Fatigue Machines for BS, DIN, ASTM specimens. Torsion Machines from 50Nm to 1kNm. Manual or powered with Torsion meters and data logging.

Fatigue Machine
Fatigue Machine with applied moment of upto 36Nm with stress level dependent upon specimen cross-section and geometry.
Suitable for standard specimens as well as tests on the effects of surface finish and stress concentration sensitivity.
Machine with auto cut-off at failure, interlocked guard, digital cycle count stored, approximate speed 3000 rpm.

Torsion Machine – manual 50Nm
Manual and motorised from 50Nm to 1kNm , machine bed length to suit specimens.

Torsion Meter – manual
Direct digital torque readout and manual or electronic torsion meters for angle of twist.
Alternatively real-time data logging and display via the industrial computer unit.